Thursday, July 28, 2016

The Wonder Soy Sauce (Recipe based from  白老師的萬能醬油)

All measurement here use a small or regular sized disposable paper or plastic cups.

You may make more or less portion on your own by half, double, or triple the portion as long as you have the right ratio proportion for the basic ingredients.


3 cups of minced/ground pork
1 cup sugar (or less if you want to cut down on the sweetness and be more healthy)
6 cups soy sauce (suggests to use the one with less sodium)

1. Cook the ground/minced pork (other ground meat can also be substituted here such as beef/chicken, but pork flavor is good for this sauce) on frying pan, Stir and let it cook through and drain out the excess oil if possible before adding other ingredients.

2. Now add both the soy sauce and the sugar and cook everything together in a pot for about 5 minutes using low heat or until the sauce shows small bubbles.let cool and then stored in the refrigerator (if oil was not taken out in step one,which can still work, if you are in a hurry and decide to just throw everything in and cook all at once, then take out the white solidified oil after refrigeration)
Refrigerated shelf life of about 15 days to 1 month for this sauce, which is very useful for almost all the dishes to add the good Asian flavor (such as stir fried vegetable, fried rice (to replace the soy sauce and sugar), Tofu in brown sauce, etc.  This is an excellent brown sauce to be used in many occasions for Asian cooking!

1. 把所有材料放入鍋里,用小火煮到醬油冒出咖啡色的細為泡泡,就完成了。
硬豆腐 1 盒(切塊)Tofu (Firm or medium, do not use the soft type)
蔥 1棵(切粒)dice 1 stalk of green onion
辣椒 1條(切粒) 1 hot green or red hot pepper, diced
辣椒粉(粗細) 1茶匙 1 tsp hot pepper powder
蒜泥 1茶匙 1 tsp minced garlic
萬能醬油 1湯匙 1 TBsp Wonder Soy sauce
水 2-3湯匙 2-3 TBsp of water
全部都丟進鍋子之後,加入萬能醬油,然後再加入水,用小火來煮滾,波波波波就差不多囉! Put all the ingridients in a pot, add the wonder soy sauce, then add water.  Cook in low heat until boiling.
*非常普遍的韓國 side dish。放入冰箱可以食用幾日。(common side dish in Korea, can keep in refrigrator for a few days or freeze for longer storage)
馬鈴薯 2個(切塊)2 big Russel/Idaho Potatoes (cut in chucks)
蔥 1棵(切段)1  stalk of green onion (chopped in short length section)
蒜泥 1茶匙 1 tsp minced garlic
粟糖膠 1湯匙 1 TBsp corn syrup or honey
粟米油 1湯匙 1 TBsp of good cooking oil like conola, grape seed, avocado, or sunflower seed oil
萬能醬油 1/4杯 1/4 cup of the wonder soy sauce
水 1/4杯 1/4 cup of water
1. 中火落油(約1湯匙)起鑊,加入薯仔兜勻炒香。Medium heat to heat up the oil and green onion then add in the potatoes. Stir fry till you smell the good aroma of good cooking :)
2. 加入萬能醬油,水,蔥,蒜泥,加蓋煮至馬鈴薯開始軟身。add in the rest of the ingredients except the sweetener. Cover the pot and cook till potatoes is soften.
3. 最後加入粟糖膠兜勻。Lastly, add in the honey/syrup for coating and sweetness.  Can use more or less depends on personal preference.
這道菜是我家的媽媽拿手常菜 yay!
1. 韓國粉絲用水浸軟備用。Korean potato noodles cooked according to instruction on package or soaked in water to soften to be ready for preparation.
2. 用少許油,爆香蒜蓉及其他配料盛起備用。use a bit oil to heat up the minced garlic slightly (medium heat to prevent burn), then add in others such as meat and vegetables suggested on the package.  Once everything is cooked, take them out and set aside.
3. 萬能醬油、水煮熱後加入已浸軟的粉絲及已爆香的配料。In a big pot or wok, pour in the wonder soy sauce and water, cook till just boiling then add in the clear noodles and the cooked ingredients in step 2.
4. 試味後可加入萬能醬油,最後加入香油及芝麻。Taste to see whether you need to add more wonder soy sauce or not to your likeness.  Lastly, coated the mixture with a bit of the sesame oil to add the distinct favor and garnish with the white sesame seeds on top.
白鍾元的節目一小節 (YouTube video clip instruction for making the sauce)

Tip: the amount of soy sauce twice of  the meat, sugar can be less as indicated above.

I love 白老師, he is one of my new favorite chef :) He likes sugar a lot though (a sugar baby) so I'm trying to cut down a bit on this recipe.  If you follow his video instruction, then do take out the oil on top after refrigeration or else it can be quite oily because of the nature pork fat though pork fat does provide some good flavor.

Credit to Jacob and Joelle and 下廚房 for picture/images and video as well as patial instructions in Chinese.

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