Saturday, September 18, 2021

海南鸡饭 Hainan Chicken Rice

 海南鸡饭起源自海南名菜文昌鸡,那是20世纪初海南人移民下南洋后(马来西亚)混合南洋风味的酱料改编而成的 - 海南鸡饭

然而地道的海南鸡饭,并不在海南,而在马来西亚。 海南鸡饭讲究鸡肉要鲜嫩,有时鸡骨会带一丝血水,越是这样鸡肉才越嫩。 做得好的海南鸡饭,鸡皮与鸡肉之间会形成一层透明的凝脂,鸡皮色泽清亮,鸡肉滑嫩,鸡饭可口,食之别有一番风味,令人留恋万分。 经过时代的改变 ,现在已形成各种不同混合的海南鸡饭 海南鸡正不正宗就个人的看法 。 海南人教你煮一道传统老味道的海南鸡饭 鸡肉材料:For the Chicken: 2 kg 鸡 - 2 kg/4.4 lb whole chicken 5 片 /15 g 生姜 - 5 slices /15 g ginger 1 根葱 - 1 green onion 2 湯匙鹽 -2 tbsp salt 1 锅水 - 1 pot of water 油饭材料:For the rice: 4 杯 香米 - 4 cups of rice (soak in water 15-20 min.) 两大匙鸡油 - 2 tbsp Chicken oil (or other cooking oil if no chicken fat on the chicken) 5 片/15 g 生姜 - 5 slices /15 g ginger 20 g 蒜米 - 20 g garlic (about 4 cloves, sliced) 少许鹽 - dash of salt 少许胡椒粉 - dash of white pepper 海南鸡饭辣椒酱料 : Hainanese Chicken Rice Chili Sauce: 三条红辣椒 - 3 red chili 三条小辣椒 - 3 bird's eye chili (chili padi) 60 g 姜 - 60 g ginger 25 g 蒜米 - 25 g garlic 2 湯匙醋 - 2 tsp vinegar 少许糖 - pinch of sugar 少许盐 - dash of salt 少许酱油 - dash of soy sauce

prepping: clean the chicken thoroughly (I use Trader Joe's heirloom chicken) , then rub with rock salt both inside out.

a pot of water, put 1-2 green onion and 5 slices of ginger in it. Let it boil till we see small bubble (about 70 F), dip in the chicken, count to 10 then take it out, do this repeatedly for 3-4 times.

rinse/soak in cold water.

now put the chicken back in to the pot, the temperature should be about 80 degree now, let it immerse totally, cook with cover and cook in low heat setting for 30 min. No broiling in this case. Take out the chicken after 1/2 hour and soak in icy or cold water.

Chicken has to be totally cold/cool, then it can be put back in to the pot, this time turn on full heat. Once it starts bubble, turn off the heat, keep the pot cover and let the chicken immerse in hot soup for 30 min.

Meanwhile, use this time to prep for the sauce and cook the rice

For the rice:
Cook the chicken fat to desolve/heat the fat portion first, then put in the gingers/garlic slices, stir fry till golden brown, then put in the rice, keep stir fry till no more water retention, put in dash of salt, add some white pepper. (炒至粒粒分明)then pour the rice mixture into the rice cooker pot to cook in steam mode to finish the cooking (可加姜黃粉調味調色)put 4 to 4 and 1/2 cup of the chicken broth in for cooking rice in this case.

Sauce:  (use the oil float on top of the chicken broth for mixing)
Chili, garlic and ginger portion are 1:1:1
Mesh is the best or else put in mixer to mince it.
add broth to the mixture, then all other seasoning (sugar, salt/or fish sauce, soy sauce, vinegar)

For chicken, can brush with sesame oil before cutting. cut it in the bowl first to keep it less messy.

Thursday, September 16, 2021



Prep Time: 5 mins
Cook Time: 12 mins
Total Time: 17 mins

recipe adapted from

Wild Alaskan Roasted Salmon topped with Kimchi Butter is an easy, low carb dinner you can have on the table in under 20 minutes!

Servings servings
Calories251 kcal

Roasted Salmon with Kimchi Butter from

  • 1 1/4 pound Wild Alaskan Salmon fillet
  • 2 tablespoons pastured butter room temperature
  • 2 ounces high quality Kimchi finely chopped
  1. Preheat oven to 425F.
  2. Combine room temperature butter with finely chopped Kimchi and mix together with a fork until fully incorporated. You can also pulse them together in a food processor.
  3. Rub Kimchi Butter onto Salmon (flesh side only). Place butter side down in a glass baking dish (think Pyrex or glass lasagna pan).
  4. Bake for 12 to 15 minutes (depending on thickness) until or until desired doneness.
  5. Serve and Enjoy

note:  What I've modified - I used the French Crème from Trader Joe instead of Butter, just gently placed a good amount over the fresh side of the Salmon.  put the chopped kimchi (which I used my homemade homemade, using Maangchi's recipe), drizzled some of the kimchi brine over, as well as a bit of the honey and sesame oil.

Friday, September 10, 2021

台湾牛肉面 Taiwanese Beef Noodles

1. for Beef bone (leg), boil first in hot water for 3 min. and get rid of hot water, should be cooked with no more blood.
2. make beef bone broth by put the once cooked bone in water, add 花椒 Chinese hot pepper corn) and ginger, then cook in slow fire for 5-6 hours.( to the point when the bone marrow turn to beef oil) 
3. Hot pepper Paste: make oil either use beef fat (牛脆哨) or better/oil, filtered, cut off ginger and green onions, put them in oil by order, add pepper corn, add hot or regular bean paste, now we have red oil.  use this oil to cook two type of pepper powders (fine and flake)
4. cut beef shank and beef tendon in chucks, then cook them in fry pan with no oil, cut enough ginger and green onions, cook in oil, add sugar, then soy sauce and then water. put everything in the pressure cooker and add the marinated spice pack. add hot pepper too for more flavor.
5. sour cabbage: soak it in water for 5-6 min., then slice/then dice it.  cut off/mince some garlic.  put hot pepper (fresh or dry) in first, stir fry the diced sour cabbages first then add garlic.
6. cook the noodles in boiling hot water with salt.
7. toppings: diced celery, diced garlic roots (蒜苗)

for presentation, put half of the bone marrow broth and half of the brown broth from cooked beef, add noodles, top with the green diced toppings, put the different types of beef in (can also instantly boil some bogogi or hot pot beef), add the sour cabbage. add the hot pepper paste right before serving.

  • 全部食材


  • 牛肉滷包(大華購入)


  • 前置作業

    前置作業 -將牛腱肉洗淨血水後浸泡10分鐘備用 -薑切片、蔥切段、撥蒜頭 -量好醬油的量

  • 在炒鍋中下約一大匙的油,油熱後下薑片、蒜頭、蔥段一起炒香


  • 將牛腱肉放入鍋內(盡量不要有水),加麻油後一起拌炒,炒至牛肉表面變色但不要過熟


  • 倒入醬油和辣豆瓣醬再稍微拌炒一下


  • 接著倒入instant pot的鍋子,然後加米酒及滷包,加1400ml的常溫水到鍋內後蓋蓋子。

    接著倒入instant pot的鍋子,然後加米酒及滷包,加1400ml的常溫水到鍋內後蓋蓋子。

  • 蒸氣孔記得調整至加壓,選擇meat/stew的選項,共計45分鐘(如果喜歡肉更軟及湯的味道更入味,可以壓1小時),前面加壓也需要時間約20分鐘後才會開始計時


  • 煮麵條(依自己想吃的份量),也可加一些自己喜歡的青菜,最後倒入牛肉湯就完成囉!



1.牛腱肉是beef shank
在99 Ranch的鮮肉區購買




6 人份


90 分鐘


 or 洋蔥(1個)

85 ml
 or beef/chicken broth


note: I also added a bit rock sugar or brown sugar and mirin to the soup before cooking, my version also has dice carrots and tomato