Tuesday, November 2, 2021

胡椒餅 (蔥肉餅) Mince Pork with Scallion filled pancakes

credit/adapted from 夢幻廚房在我家

更多料理影片 ☛ https://goo.gl/986Hsy

 This is a popular street snack in Taiwan, it's a tasty treat.






自製手抓餅 (Chinese pizza dough)6-8片(市售也可以)

梅花肉300克 (pork butt/picnic meat in small cubes)

蔥花1碗 (2-3 green onions chopped)

生白芝麻 white sasame seeds100克 (g)



醬油 soy sauce1.5大匙 TBsp

二砂糖 sugar1小匙 tsp

蠔油 oyster sauce1大匙 TBsp

五香粉 five spice powder1/3小匙 tsp

白胡椒粉 white pepper powder1小匙 tsp


楓糖 (maple syrup) 或蜂蜜 (honey) 或砂糖 (sugar)1大匙 TBsp

清水 (water)2大匙



1.將梅花肉切小條塊(或絞肉也可以)加入醃肉調味料醃漬至少30分鐘入味,若有真空盒可縮短醃漬時間,抽真空約5分鐘即可入味。此為肉餡備用。chopped pork meat in small pieces, marinated for 30 min. (or vacuum sealed for 5 min.)

2.蔥洗淨後瀝乾水份,切成蔥花備用。(clean/chopped scallions in small pieces)

3.將之前分享過的手抓餅(蔥抓餅)當成胡椒餅的外皮,包入適量肉餡及蔥花,捏合成圓形,收口處朝下。 (place 1&2 on the flat dough, wrapped then turn upside down as shown below.


4.完成的胡椒餅表面刷上一層糖水,沾裹上白芝麻粒,依序完成所有的胡椒餅。(coated the top with honey/sugar water then spread sesame seeds on top as shown)

5.將胡椒餅放入氣炸鍋或預熱好的烤箱當中,設定溫度攝氏180度 (356 F),烤約20到25分鐘至表面金黃上色即可。Bake at 355-360 F for 25 min. till golden brown.

用電烤盤或平底鍋乾煎或半煎炸至金黃上色也可以。(can also use pan fry method, add a bit water for steaming,like making pot stickers but cook a bit longer)




1.烤好的胡椒餅若沒有立刻吃完,可以放冰箱冷藏5天沒有問題,要吃時只要放進氣炸鍋或烤箱設定攝氏170度 (345 F) 烤個6分鐘即可。Can be freeze for 5 day, just bake in oven or airfryer for 6 min. at 345 F.

2.想要事先做好成為生的胡椒餅也可以,不過做好就要ㄧ個ㄧ個包好,立刻冷凍起來,想吃的時候稍微冷藏退冰後再烤或煎皆可。(can freeze the uncooked pancake if not bake immediately, defrost then bake/pan fry)

3.基本上是包成包子狀,能收口就好,收口朝下擺在鋪了烘焙紙的烤盤上。shape like making Chinese buns, flip the opening side to the bottom)

收口真的不用太在意好不好看,只要收口收密、餡料不爆就可以。(make sure the seal is tight in this case, so the filling won't come out)

4.想更金黃上色更酥脆烤箱溫度可以拉升提高到攝氏190-200度 (375-392 F)。Can increas baking temperature a bit for more brown/crispy texture

5.表面刷的可以是清水,但用蜜糖水會因焦糖化反應更香,還帶著淡淡的甜味更好吃,用砂糖較難溶解,可用溫熱的水溶解。Can brush with water instead of honey/sugar water but later is preferred for more flavor with slight sweetness.

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