Saturday, August 13, 2016

Korean Radish Salad

I also made this radish salad before bedtime, using the leftover radish I cut up, which I think it's about half of the whole one?  So I half the recipe to make it this time.

Here's the recipe: pictures and instructions credited to

If you need make this salad for a lot of people, use the whole radish. If you’re going make a small amount, use the green part only, because it’s sweeter than the white part.


Korean radish (or daikon), salt, vinegarhot pepper flakes, sugar, garlic, green onion, sesame seeds.


  1. Peel a radish and cut it into thin matchsticks.
  2. Put 3-3½ cups of radish matchsticks into a large bowl.
  3. Add 1 tbs kosher salt and mix it by hand. Set aside for 5 minutes. (I just sprinkled less amout of the table salt to cover them)
  4. Squeeze out any excess water from the radish strips. (I rinsed them quickly too)
  5. Add 2 cloves of minced garlic, 1 stalk of chopped green onion, 1 tbs vinegar, 2 ts hot pepper flakes, and 2 ts sugar (I cut it to 1 ts).
  6. Mix together by hand until well combined.
  7. Add 1 ts roasted sesame seeds and mix it up a bit more (I skipped it this time).
 or 白老师家常菜150901白老师家常菜 EP16



白老师牌辣拌萝卜丝 白老师家常菜的做法  

  1. 所有佐料加入萝卜丝中。拌匀。开始出水的时候,使劲儿按压。让挤出的水和酱料混合。
    白老师牌辣拌萝卜丝  白老师家常菜的做法 步骤1
  2. 放置半小时到一小时入味后更好吃。
    白老师牌辣拌萝卜丝  白老师家常菜的做法 步骤2

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