Friday, December 2, 2016


banana cut to 1cm slices
crushed nuts mixture (almonds, walnuts, pecans, or others, crushed in a plastic bags with can or jar)
placed nutella sauce in dumpling wrapper (big one from H mart), topped with banana slice and crushed nuts.

put the wrapped dumplings in oil to pan fried till golden brown on both sides, but watch out not to use too much oil.

印度咖喱味的日本curry eat with roti wrap

eat with roti wrap

3 cup flour, 1/2 cup water, 2 spoons olive oil, 1 egg, 1/2 spoon sugar, 1/2 spoon salt, mixed, shaped into dough and keep in room temp. for 30 min. covered with plastic wraps.

after the curry is cooked, shaped the dough in small ping pong sized ball shape and then flatten it with rolling pin to make roti pancake by heating it in preheated pan (medium/high heat, no oil is needed but brush the roti with butter oil on one side at least)

1/4 of carrots diced, 1 potato diced, 1/2 of bell pepper, 1 onion sliced in strips, 1 tomato thinly sliced in strips, 5 cloves of garlic diced, thumb sized ginger crushed.

use 5 spoons of olive oil to cook the onion slices till soften, then add in the diced carrots and potatoes, stir fry then add in the garlic/ginger secret ingredients and stir fry for 15 sec. then added the pork belly meat (diced too), add 1/2 spoon of salt, cook for about 2 min. until the meat is cooked then add diced green bell pepper and cook for another 1 min.

add 3 cups of hot water and 6 spoons of curry powder, mix well in a bowl first, and then  cook for another 2 min. add the tomato's and then let them all cook till the carrot/potatoes are ready.

add 6 spoons of whipping cream and then turn off the heat.

Oriental dressing (olive oil/soy sauce) rice noodles

pork (neck meat 200 g) marinated with 4 spoons of soy sauce, 2 spoons of rice wine, and 2 spoons of oligo glucose syrup for 15 min.

cook 1 bag of rice sticks for 4 min. drained and keep cool in iced water then drained again.

now cook the pork (about 2 big slices) with cooking oil in pan and pan fried them to tender/done

layered rice sticks, alfalfa spouts, and cut up port slices in bite size, drizzled with the oriental dressing about 1/4 of the bottle.

泡菜火腿奶油 You Can 飯

1 cup of cooked rice  2 sp of chopped kimchi, 1 sp of butter, 2 sp of chopped canned ham (SPAM), 1 egg, some mozzarella cheese

This is pretty high in calories

Layered all ingredient in the can which was already layered by the platic bag/wrap (heat proof for cooking), cap with yellow top cover then steam in water for 10 min.

Thursday, December 1, 2016


豬裏脊肉 200 g (切成一口大小, sliced 5 pieces, break with meat tenderizer, then cut in long chucks)

燒酒 2 spoons
胡椒 1/3 spoons
鹽 1/3 spoons
蒜蓉 1/3 spoons

土豆澱粉 2 paper cup combined with 1 paper cup of water and 1 蛋白

彩椒 (red and yellow) 圓圓的各切兩片
黃瓜 cut 5 slices
洋葱 1/4個 切絲備好
沙拉醬 300 g
奶油 heavy cream or milk (2/3 cup)
煉乳 (milk and sugar 5:1 cooked in low heat) 1/3 cup
lemon 檸檬
egg white 1 or 2

1. combine 裏脊肉 燒酒 2 spoons 胡椒 1/3 spoons 鹽 1/3 spoons 蒜蓉 1/3 spoons as marinate
2.  use paper/plastic cup, coating by mixing 土豆澱粉 2 paper cup with 1 paper cup of water and 1 蛋白, this is the coating 炸衣
3. secret step - 300 g of 沙拉醬, 奶油 heavy cream or milk (2/3 cup) and 煉乳 1/3 cup, 1 whole lemon's juice, and 1 egg white, 3 tbsp sugar, 1/3 tbsp salt, mix well this is the cream seasoning
4. heat up the cooking oil, coated the meat with coating in step 2, and fry for 5 to 6 min.
5. add 1/3 cup of water in step 3 then heat in med/low heat until it shows a melting consistency
6. pour step 5 cream on top of the fried meat then add bell peppers, onions and cucumbers on top, sprinked with sesame seeds.

紅炸醬面(Korean style)

五花肉 160 g (cut in chunk size)
食用油 2 spoons

辣椒油 4 spoons plus 2 spoons
大葱白部分 2 pieces chopped
6 cloves of garlic chopped

洋葱 2 cut in chucks
嫩南瓜 (zukini green squash) 2/3
青陽辣椒 2 chopped/minced
黃瓜 1/2 shredded

中華面 (best if it's fresh noodles) cook for 3 min. and then drained
辣豆瓣醬 3 spoons

醬油 4 spoons
清酒 3 spoons

糖 3 spoons
辣椒麵 2 spoons

土豆澱粉 1/2 cup mixed with 1/2 cup of water need 4 spoons

Note: the spoon used in the cooking video of secret recipe is the wooden big spoon

1. 2 sp of cooking oil heat up then add in meat to stir fry.
2.  辣椒油 added in first then put in 葱白 and garlic low heat stir a bit
3. add 4 sp soy sauce, turn up heat, add the 清酒 wine 3 spoons
4. add the 洋葱 and 嫩南瓜 and keep stir frying
5. secret step - add in 2 more spoons of hot oil and 3 spoons of 辣豆瓣醬
6. add in some water, then add 辣椒麵 2 spoons, chopped green hot peppers, sugar 3 spoons
7. 最后加入水澱粉mixture 4 spoons
8. cook the noodles
9. placed noodles in bowl, pour the cooked sauce, then garnished with shredded cucumbers.

炭火魷魚烤肉 (Korean Secret Recipe)

魷魚半只 (容易吃的大小)
五花肉 300 g  (容易吃的大小)
葱 (斜著切)
洋葱 (chopped 切碎)

蘇子葉 (chopped 切碎切絲)

紅蘿蔔 (切圓)
剁好的大蒜 3 TBSP

辣椒醬 2 tbsp or 2 wood spoons
番茄醬 2 tbsp or 2 wood spoons
低聚糖 2 tbsp (Corn syrup?)
料酒 1/3 tbsp
辣椒粉 1 tbsp

白糖 1 TBSP
香油 1 TBSP

Secret Step 1:  in a bowl, mix 辣椒醬 2 tbsp and 番茄醬 2 tbsp
2. add the rest of the seasoning ingredients (低聚糖 2 tbsp,料酒 1/3 tbsp,胡椒粉少許,辣椒粉 1 tbsp) to make the sauce
3.白糖 1 香油 1, stir fry till it smokes to give the smoking (炭火) flavor
4. 大葱,洋葱 ,紅蘿蔔 以間隔15 sec. 的順序進行翻炒
5. now throw in the chopped garlic 剁好的大蒜, pork 五花肉 and the sauce
6. once the meat is cooked, put in the squid and let it cook tenderly
7. garnish with 蘇子葉 on top


This has been proven to be a simple yet good recipe for kids to learn if they like noodle dish.

2 cup of chopped green onion (in chucks or diced) if it's cut in chucks, about 4-5 com?
1/3 cup of cooking oil
4 tsp soysauce, 2 and 1/2 tsp oyster sauce (use regular sliver rounded spoon is fine)
Sugar 1/2 tsp or 1/3 tsp

thin or flat noodle, 2-3 person portion. cook in boiling water for 2 min. add cold water and let it boiling again. rinse in cold water then drained.

without turning on the heat, put green onions and oil in frying pan, turn heat on, once it's bubbleing and the green onions turn brownish, put in the soy/oyster sauce mixture and also added sugar.
Once the soy sauce mixture is slightly burned, pour in the noodle then mix/stir fry it a bit. It's ready to serve :)