Thursday, December 1, 2016


豬裏脊肉 200 g (切成一口大小, sliced 5 pieces, break with meat tenderizer, then cut in long chucks)

燒酒 2 spoons
胡椒 1/3 spoons
鹽 1/3 spoons
蒜蓉 1/3 spoons

土豆澱粉 2 paper cup combined with 1 paper cup of water and 1 蛋白

彩椒 (red and yellow) 圓圓的各切兩片
黃瓜 cut 5 slices
洋葱 1/4個 切絲備好
沙拉醬 300 g
奶油 heavy cream or milk (2/3 cup)
煉乳 (milk and sugar 5:1 cooked in low heat) 1/3 cup
lemon 檸檬
egg white 1 or 2

1. combine 裏脊肉 燒酒 2 spoons 胡椒 1/3 spoons 鹽 1/3 spoons 蒜蓉 1/3 spoons as marinate
2.  use paper/plastic cup, coating by mixing 土豆澱粉 2 paper cup with 1 paper cup of water and 1 蛋白, this is the coating 炸衣
3. secret step - 300 g of 沙拉醬, 奶油 heavy cream or milk (2/3 cup) and 煉乳 1/3 cup, 1 whole lemon's juice, and 1 egg white, 3 tbsp sugar, 1/3 tbsp salt, mix well this is the cream seasoning
4. heat up the cooking oil, coated the meat with coating in step 2, and fry for 5 to 6 min.
5. add 1/3 cup of water in step 3 then heat in med/low heat until it shows a melting consistency
6. pour step 5 cream on top of the fried meat then add bell peppers, onions and cucumbers on top, sprinked with sesame seeds.

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