Wednesday, September 21, 2016

木耳两吃 (Two ways of cooking the black fungus)

生鱼片 Sauce for 黑木耳 dipping

4 round spoon of soy sauce
1 spoon of white vinniger
1/2 spoon of sugar
Some wasabi sauce from the tube

Soak dried black fungus in water until it return to original shape.
broil in water to let it cook through quickly. for about 10 sec
cool them in a bowl of water filled with ice

It's ready to serve with the sauce by placing it on top of a tray layered with ice or can mix them and serve as a cold dish salad.

葱爆木耳片 (Stir fried Black fungus with green onions)

In a fry pan, pour in lots of oil to fill the pan surface
put in lots (I mean lots) of chopped short section or sliced green onions)
While the green onions are cooked in the oil for enhanced flavor for the oil, make the mixture of
1/3 cup of water, 2 spoons of oyster sauce, 1/2 spoon of sugar, 1/3 spoon of cornstarch.
Once the oil turn yellowish, pour in 1 spoon full of soy sauce
Now put in the black fungus, stir fried to let them cook a bit,
pour in the sauce mixture made earlier
ready to serve and can add a bit sesame oil if you like that taste.

I think meat can also be added for this hot dish, but the meat need to be cooked through first before mixing with the mushroom mixture above.


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